RI – Arabic & English – MC & Presenter

Profile RI Arabic English – MC Presenter GAE Events Dubai UAE 1


She is a Public Speaker, Events MC, Moderator, Facilitator, TV and Radio Presenter with over 10 years of experience hosting live and virtual events.
Engaging and compelling across platforms, she is naturally captivating.
Her passion drives her presence and is contagions creating a connection with her audience.
Her charming personality and energetic nature make her an exceptional presenter.
She is the designated TV presenter of an international TV show. Her excellent language skills and cultural savvy nature enable her to communicate with people from diverse cultures.
Her remarkable story telling capabilities and creative content engaged her listeners every day.
As for her presence on stage, she is known to enliven events, delivering an outstanding and memorable experience to all.
Her interactive and unique character guarantees a successful event within any industry.
If you are looking for a seasoned presenter, reach out.



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